
Teflon ™-Coatings

Teflon ™ coatings or PTFE coatings are related to frying pans and the like also under the name Teflon ™, SilverStone or SilverStone Supra famous. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) belongs to the three polymers (PTFE, FEP and  PFA) with similar properties known as Teflon ™. As with the other two polymers, FEP and PFA, one improves PTFE coating with Teflon ™ PTFE that Non-stick- and Gliding as well as the Chemical resistance of the carrier material. PTFE Due to the lower layer thickness, it is less suitable for applications with heavy mechanical loads.

Rhenotherm Kunststoffbeschichtungs GmbH carries out contract coating in the field Teflon ™ coatings and is certified as a contract coater according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015.

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